After an unexpected long day of traveling due to railway construction, we finally stumbled into Brugge, Belgium. After settling into our 6 bed female dorm room, we ventured out to find some food (first time eating all day)! Little did we know, in Belgium the grocery stores close at about 3pm! After walking for what seemed like forever, we made it to a night shop (even the gas stations didn't have a store). We bought what we thought was a microwaveable pizza only to realize it was indeed an oven back pizza (our hostel didn't have a kitchen)! No worries though we microwaved it anyways! We enjoyed our quiet night, playing chess, chatting to the staff and Kirdy enjoying her first Belgium beer!
The next day after doing all our laundry in the sink, we headed out to explore the town! Our hostel was only about 15 mins walk from the town square. Honestly, we had no idea what to expect. Neither of us had done any research on Brugge, but just had a recommendation from Kelsey's friend, Melissa, to go there (and, of course, we wanted Belgium chocolate)!
As we walked into town our mouths dropped! It was like we stepped back to the 13th century! There stood the most massive church tower! It is about the size of a modern day sky scraper that shadowed us as we passed through the narrow cobble stoned streets! We've never seen anything like it. Battling for greatness, the castle tower rose above the city to the east of the church tower! Both magnificent in mid evil architecture. We had no plan for the day but to simply stroll the streets. We walked through a free old hospital museum (later we found out that it was not free - oops!) It was fascinating to see all the old surgical tools and how medicine was made - it all seemed very painful.
We ended up eating paninis by the moat, with a view of the crazy beautiful castle. Let me tell you, when you don't eat much except protein bars, a hot panini is a gift from heaven!
We finished up our day with a Belgium waffle and a cherry Belgium beer for Kirdy!!! Sooooo good - even Kelsey liked it!
After heading home and grabbing some food for dinner (MICROWAVABLE tomato soup and bread ;) ) we decided to check out Brugge at night! It was beautiful all lit up! Kirdy tried to climb an old tower, but started to break off bits of old stone so she stopped this sort of activity. :)
Brugge was very relaxing and is such a beautiful city! The chocolate is amazing, the waffles superb and history is rich!
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