Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Take off day

Here we sit, awaiting our adventure. T - one hour till take off. We are both so ready to be on our way! I, kirdy, been traveling since 6:30 this morning, and after all my layovers and flights in just really ready to get ON that plane. Kelsey had a bit shorter commute but is equally anxious! 
I have to say I've never stood in line for a foreign air carrier and felt like I blended so much like I did today in line for SAS (Scandinavian air). Everyone was blond and tall! I can tell you it won't be like traveling through Asia or South America where there is no hiding. (Also as I waited for 5 hours in the sf international terminal I entertained myself with a little game of guess the Americans...very entertaining) 

So I thought it would be cool if Kelsey and I wrote down our expectations and feelings as of now, and then compare them with when we return.

Kelsey: because of the different people we will meet with various backgrounds, I hope to listen with open ears, speak with love and act in a way God calls me to. This trip was in my "plans", however, I never imagined it would happen so quick or even length of our tripe. I know God has great plans for us over seas because of how many doors he has opens for us to travel there. It's really exciting! Please be praying for guidance and discernment while we are away. I know God will protect us as he promises He has truly blessed us.

Kirdy: I'm super stoked! I'm so excited to dig up our roots, meet our relatives and meet fellow travelers along the way! I'm nervous for certain things like language... Not being able to read signs and not being able to communicate really scares me (no matter how many countries I go to). I also have this fear of "looking" American! I know lame, but I've never liked to stand out in foreign lands! Besides those fears I'm just really excited to see how our lives change, we grow and God works! 

Ok time to board!!!!!!!
Kirdy and Kelsey

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