Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Day Before Take Off

Day Before Take Off

September 10, 2013

 Today has been filled with crazy running around last minute shopping, packing and preparing. Kelsey and I thankfully have the first 2 weeks of our trip planned and laid out (Sweden and family)... as for the rest of our 2 months, well we are excited to see where the wind takes us! We have a global Eurrail pass and plan to put that thing to good use! 

As of now both our packs are packed (mine weighing in at 32lbs). As I was putting the final touches on it, I got a bit teary eyed realizing I'm not only leaving for the trip of a life time with my amazing cousin, but my whole life is packed up awaiting my next move upon my arrival back to the states. I know that after this trip both Kelsey and I both have big decisions and new life courses we will be taking, which is why this trip falls at the most opportune time!

I can't speak for Kelsey but I know for me I hope to just gain a bit of perspective, adventure, independence and disconnect! We have the chance to go back and discover our Swedish roots, meet so much family, and really disconnect from our  fast paced, wifi, constantly available lives and reconnect with a bit of history, family and adventure!

We are both so excited and really appreciate your prayers, thoughts, good juju and what not sent our way! We've been so blessed to be able to go on this adventure and we are so blessed to have each other! I couldn't think of a better person to spend the next 2.5 months with than my bestest cousin!


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